Meghan was fortunate to grow up in an environment and household that had a great appreciation for the planet, its wild spaces and living things. She watched the stars, spent time outdoors and became a lover of nature. Meghan has a deep fascination for the mysteries of the universe and constantly seeks a deeper understanding. It is no wonder that Meghan felt as if she came home when she discovered her love for Chinese Medicine. This ancient medical system recognizes the human body as a bridge between the earth and the sky, reflecting the cycles of the seasons and the cycles of life.
Meghan is honored and humbled to be a practitioner of Chinese Medicine. She believes completely in the ability of the medicine to enhance the lives of her patients, helping them attain a more optimal state of health. Through careful diagnostic methods, attention and care, Meghan aims to discover the root of imbalance in the body that leads to discomfort and disease. Through the use of herbal prescriptions, acupuncture, bodywork and lifestyle changes, Meghan works with her patients to restore a healthy body and mind.
Meghan acknowledges the importance of integrated health care for our times, which honors the wisdom of ancient medicine and recognizes the value of modern diagnostics, advancements in science, nutrition, and mental health.
In her free time, Meghan loves to get outside with her pup, spend time with loved ones, see live music and enjoy Portland cuisine.
Meghan is an eternal student. She is a licensed acupuncturist and holds a Master’s degree in Oriental Medicine (MSOM) from the National University of Natural Medicine. She is a Diplomate of Canonical Chinese Medicine, through the Institute of Classics in East Asian Medicine. She continues her herbal studies through ICEAM with Dr. Arnaud Versluys, learning the Tian family lineage of pulse diagnosis. She has an undergraduate degree in Biology and has a Master’s degree in Teaching. In addition, she holds a certificate of Advanced Western Herbalism and Clinical Nutrition from the North American Institute of Medical Herbalism. Meghan is passionate about herbal medicine and has been using it for her own health needs for the past twenty years.